Parental Support and Reinforcement
How May Parents Support and Reinforce the School's Role?
Opportunities for learning are best served when my child:
•Attends school regularly
•Gets enough sleep
•Receives enough to eat through meals at home or through school lunch programs
•Follows school rules
•Does the assigned homework
•Brings home and shares corrected work
•Demonstrates respect for the school and staff
•Knows you are interested in his/her progress and problems
•Has a quiet place to study
•Is encouraged to feel that education is important
Positive self-concept contributes to success. You can help your child by:
•Setting rules and guidelines at home
•Assigning tasks and responsibilities
•Establishing routines
•Giving praise for accomplishments
•Spending time together
•Encouraging attempts at new things
•Providing a happy home environment
•Showing and demonstrating affection
•Disciplining when it is needed
•Providing support where there is frustration and failure
•Setting goals and standards that are realistic and attainable
•Providing opportunities for success
•Showing interest in academic work and school activities
•Discussing and solving personal problems together